Creative Process Journal

Semester 02

Term 01

Week 3

1 / Studio Consultation
2 / Voices as Personality Development
3 / Identity Map Development



Voice Analysis Functionality
–How is the voice different from background noise?
–Look into right tools – devices/instruments that have been used in scientific voice analysis research
–Consider voice as an experessive (more explorative and experimentive) /performative (go beyond the visual way of talking) tool Through this, the analysis of voice is more open with how accurate it is as personality is expressed differently and the way of interaction change allowing personalities to be perceived from a different angle
–One way is to record the audio and playback the audio or test it in real-time
–What can be analysed-pauses, intervals between speech and the softness of the voice
–Illustration of an idea or an interactive illustration of what it could be, that is backed up by scientific literature could be an approach to tackle the analysis problem –Explain that the prototype was tested based on my limitations, ideally the testing should have a team of scientists/methologists

Typographic Explorations:

–Have a moodboard of the matrix system for the different attributes
–Currently, the voice input calls out the different typographic states systematically like a lookup table, where each design is associated with a personality such as a shy, extroverted etc.
–What if typography can be evolving or transformative where you can see the evolution of the letterform when the vocal inputs change?


Technical Exploration

–Try using pixel values as a way to create heightmap that will enable the distortion of the grid
–Or draw the image manually using illustrator to create the heightmap in order to generate the 3D image
–Alternatively, look at it froma graph perspective to control the convexity of the distortion
–Make a moodboard for the intended outcomes

Despite not being able to cover the last prototype on Affective Data Objects, I found that this week's consultation has been very insightful not only for studio work but also what I could discuss in my disssertaiton such as the limitations I face as a designers while developing scientifically accurate devices etc. Through this consultation I also gained a better sense of what my interface could be–what kind of tool do I intend it to be, something expressive or something scientific–coupled with the limitations, what is something that is acheivable by me.

Also from this consultation, instead of looking at vocal inputs in the form of volume, pitch and frequency, I gained a new perception on interpreting vocal data, looking at vocal patterns through the pause intervals between speech and the softness of the voice. This presents a new type of vocal data that can be used to extract personality connotations which I find is a more refreshing take on interpreting our voices.

Lastly, the discussion about systematic and transformative systems when displaying typography also allowed me to take a step back and kind of evaluate what I'm exploring in my work. Now I see that I was actually in a loop of using a systematic approach to creating typographic applications which resulted in me not progressing much in terms of visual exploration. But now with this information, I think I have a better idea of how the progressive approach which is the version I'm working on, is something different from what I was exploring in the previous weeks and maybe a step forward in my visual experimentation.


Here I experimented with text in a 3-dimensional space where the letterform extruded and outlined using circles. These visuals are then fed into a feedback loop with different levels and transform values that allow it to appear as if its evolving while it moves and blends into the next state of typography.

Click on the below videos to play/pause.
Turn on volume to listen to the different vocal inputs.

This was another attempt that I tried, this time using only a singular variable within the noise operator to distort the typography. By doing this I hoped to make the variations more consistent to avoid looking random when generated. However, I do think that the variations are not distinct enough to create a contrast between different vocal attributes. So that would be something I needed to work on in my next exploration.


This week I've tried out different manners in which I could portray the idea of systems, data visualisations, identity and maps/grids. In the below sketch, I tried to utilise a particle system in creating the an illusion of grid convexity/distortions within a system. I referenced the tutorial by Simon Alexander-Adams

Despite the outcome not being exactly what I expected or hoped to acheive in terms of its data visualisation portrayal, I think that the techniques taught in this tutorial was really helpful. One of the techniques was the use of ramps as a way to 'mask' a shape or noise. By doing so I am able to contain a texture within a form, which I think will be very useful when I intend to craft or design something more specific within TouchDesigner.

After which, I moved to explore identity maps within a more materialised 3D treatment. In this tutorial by Noto The Talking Ball various techniques such as the use of noise, composites, feedback etc was covered. The tutorial only goes through the basics of how to create a heightmap, which left me stuck at the intial stages and unclear of how to move further with what I had. However, I did find that there was potential here for me to build further and explore with this as a basis.

Currently, I'm still focusing on visual explorations that combine the concepts of 'landscape', 'identity', 'grid' and 'digital footprint'. I'm not sure how to balance the visual such that it doesn't resemble too much like a data visualisation in order to retain some aspect of humanistic connection to the user, but also is still easily comprehnsible by the user in a systematic manner.